Wednesday, May 9, 2012

fucking grocery shopping

So normally I love grocery shopping. I know it's a bit odd but I do. However, grocery shopping with two kids is mildly challenging! So why little man is in preschool I try to take little miss and hit up the K-town! I shop and shop, oh shit I forgot diapers, blah, blah, blah. Of course because it's mid-day there is only one line open. So here I go, load up the conveyor belt while the 60-something cashier finishes cashing out the 70-something woman ahead of me. Now she's got re-useable grocery bags, which is great for the environment, however 60-something cashier/baggers struggle with this concept. And oh, lets not forget that the customer can not lift bags that are too heavy so only one item per bag please. And oh, tick-tock, tick-tock, I have to pick little man up in 15 minutes. A 50-something bagger comes to help, wow, that was close. What the fuck is the cashier doing? No, no, no, you can't take off your apron and walk away. Now 10 minutes until pick up. And cue little miss beginning to cry. Oh fuck you all, I don't have time for this. The kids will have to have frozen chicken nuggets and skim milk (not organic) for lunch because someone is a fuck-up....I'm just not sure who it was just yet.

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